One of the coolest features packed in RadPivotGrid is its seamless integration with RadChartView. It enables you to provide your end-users w...
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list
Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list This issue can be caused by different f...
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Interview Question: What is Duck Typing?
"Duck Typing" is not a common interview question but one of the interviewer in a panel may ask you this just to check your kno...
Getting started with Knockout.js
Knockout.js is a JavaScript library and it helps us to create high responsive, very rich and interactive JavaScript UI adhering to MVVM ...
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Implementing a Basic Hello World WCF Service (v4.5)
In this article, we will implement a basic WCF 4.5 service from scratch. We will build a HelloWorld WCF service by carrying out the followi...
What is JSON?
For some of you this question might be the easiest to answer. But for many developers concept of JSON is not well understood. In my seminar...
Get Started with ASP.Net AJAX Controls: An AJAX Dashboard
In this series, I'm demonstrating the creation of a simple web application called "Room Scheduler" that allows a fictional...
Today Window's Phone Development Resources, Articles and Tutorials
Windows Phone Tutorial, Development & Programming Blog 1. Scale Text To View Port in Windows Phone This example shows how you c...
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Tools of the Trade: What Tools I Use for iOS Consulting
Since going Indie, I am constantly asked about what software tools I use to facilitate the process. People are always curious about invoici...
Today Android Development Resources, Articles and Source Code
Android Tutorial | Android SDK Development & Programming 1. Messenger Activity in Android This example is a simple messenger...
Monday, January 21, 2013
JSBasic - A BASIC to JavaScript Compiler
In this article, a translator is written which takes a program written in BASIC and converts it to JavaScript. The purpose of this project ...
Friday, January 18, 2013
Today's iOS Developer Resources
Today's iOS Developer Resources 1. Framework Providing A Lightweight Node.js Compatible Server That Runs Within iOS Apps A framew...
Virtual Networking: What's All the Hype?
Cloud computing is spreading rapidly across the IT industry, and it's being heralded as the next IT revolution. While virtualization...
Windows Phone Tutorial, Development & Programming Blog
Windows Phone Tutorial, Development & Programming Blog 1.Text Crawl Example in Windows Phone Development This example shows ho...
InteractiveToolTip - Tooltips you can click on!
A few months ago I was working on a code-analysis tool for a project. The tool had the ability to detect a wide range of issues with the...
Thursday, January 17, 2013
How to do Unit Test using NUnit : Part 1
Unit Testing is essential part of any production code. We can see rise of Test Driven Development (TDD) approach in many development pro...
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Internals of Dependency Property in WPF
WPF introduces new property system to us. Every WPF objects that is inherited from DependencyObject inherently supports Dependency prope...
GlobalizationResource in ASP.NET
It is that part of .NET that deals with "Multi Lingual" Applications i.e the web application which can generate content in dif...
State Machine in Workflow
State-Machine workflow is an event driven workflow. The State machine workflow relies on external events to drive the workflow to comple...
DataBase Connectivity and validation of data from Oracle Database in JAVA Servlet
This article is the next in the series of articles about Java Servlet. In this article we make an application and we will learn about ho...
Tangrams in WPF
Tangram is a popular Chinese game, where a player is given with set of blocks and asked to form a specific shape (given an outline), the...
Telerik RadToolBar using AJAX
Telerik RadToolBar using AJAX Introduction Today, in this article let's play around with one of the interesting and most useful co...
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Today's iOS Developer Resources
Today's iOS Developer Resources 1. Tool: Highly Configurable Objective-C Source Code Beautifier With Easy To Set Options A Mac OS ...
AJAX for Beginners - Understanding ASP.NET AJAX Server Controls
Desktop applications and web applications have one major difference and that is the stateless nature of web applications. A website runs on...
Design and Develop a website using ASP.NET MVC 4, EF, Knockoutjs and Bootstrap
All websites are growing faster these days, and once it grows, it is very hard to write, organize and maintain. As we add new functionality...
Today's iOS Developer Resources
Today's iOS Developer Resources 1. Tool: Highly Configurable Objective-C Source Code Beautifier With Easy To Set Options A Ma...
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Today's iOS Developer Resources
Today's iOS Developer Resources 1. iOS Library For Automatically Generating A Color Scheme From An Image Like iTunes 11 An iOS ...
Friday, January 11, 2013
Demystifying unexpected redirects to login page in ASP.NET
Have you often configured the authorization settings of your website to specify areas with special access rules? One of the common scenario...
Naive Text Example in Windows Phone
This example shows how you can draw naiveText using XNA in windows phone. Algorithm: 1.) Create a new project by File-> New Project name...
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Today's iOS Developer Resources
Today's iOS Developer Resources: 1. Tutorial: Working With iOS User Data APIs (Location, Calendar, Address Book, Photos) A tutor...