Everybody talks about the Internet of Things nowadays. Increasingly affordable micro controllers like Arduino and Raspberry Pi are enabling ...
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Changing App Store Seller Name
Changing your seller name on Apple's App Store is not a straight-forward process. There are several caveats and ways to accomplish a nam...
Monday, August 29, 2016
Localization in iOS apps made simple
Localizing iOS apps with the standard tools is tedious, especially when you use Interface Builder files. To resolve that, I have created a n...
Friday, August 26, 2016
iOS: Thoughts On AlamoFire - Swift’s AFNetworking Implementation
The HTTP protocol is synonymous with modern development. The experienced iOS developer understands and likely works with the popular protoco...
Designing for Television, Part 1
Welcome to the new Golden Age of television. Not only is there more great television being produced than ever before, but we also have more ...
Implementing MVVM in iOS with RxSwift
There are countless articles on MVVM in iOS, but few focus on what MVVM looks like in practice and how to actually do it. This is an article...
Simple ways to improve your application Architecture
I'm an Android app development rookie, with roughly four months of coding experience. And as I've grown more and more knowledgeable ...
iOS: How to store your users’ last network request for seamless app launch with Swift
I've got a pretty slow mobile connection, and often get frustrated when I have to stare at a spinner while I'm waiting for some app ...
Architecting Android with Data Binding and MVVM in mind
When Google announced Data Binding Library at last year Google I/O, I was thinking "oh man, this is the next big thing in Android devel...
A look at UIView Animation Curves (Part 1)
So… The design team just asked you to make an animation sexier and you went pale. What did they mean? The situation then got more awkward as...
Easy Animation with UIStackView
UIStackView leverages the power of Auto Layout by managing the layout of all the views inside. You can change property of UIStackView or its...
swift: Use auto-describing objects with CustomStringConvertible
It is also important to keep these logs as readable and understandable as possible. Wouldn't it be great if whenever we try to print an ...
Thursday, August 25, 2016
iOS : Delegates vs Observers
A well structured app consists of simple objects with well-defined responsibilities talking to each other. When you design an object, you mi...
iOS : How to use Vector images in Xcode
In these days, where there are a lot of devices with a lot of screen resolutions out there, working with images can be painful. iPad has a s...
Monday, August 15, 2016
Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection and Service Locator in C#
In this article, we will learn: What is Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) What is Inversion of Control (IOC) What is Service Locator? Wh...
Difference between Covariance and Contravariance in C# Generics
In this article, we will discuss: - Covariance in Generics - Contravariance in Generics - The difference between Covariance and Contravarian...
11 Must-Have Resources & Tools for Freelancers
Being a freelancer comes with added freedom, but also requires a lot of extra adulting that you don't quite have to do as an employee at...
I've written before about local notifications in iOS. However, Apple has changed all that starting in iOS 10. In versions earlier than i...
Objective-C vs Swift: what to choose?
There is an ongoing debate about choosing Objective C or Swift for new project when creating an iOS application. Many professional developer...
Machine Learning for iOS
WWDC16 just ended and Apple left us with new amazing innovative APIs. This year speech recognition, proactive applications, machine learning...
Apple Watch Home Screen UI Animation
Apple Watch is almost here and everybody is waiting to play with this nice new toy. In the last two keynotes, Apple showed us Apple Watch an...
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
iOS: How to implement partial and full page curl animation in iOS app
Hello friends, today in this tutorial I will show you, how to implement custom page curl animation on any UIView. You can also use this tech...