ou've heard knowledge without execution is like having teeth but only drinking milk. You ask, "Okay, enough of theories. How ...
Saturday, January 21, 2017
iOS Architecture Patterns - Demystifying MVC, MVP, MVVM and VIPER
Feeling weird while doing MVC in iOS? Have doubts about switching to MVVM? Heard about VIPER, but not sure if it worth it? Keep readi...
Friday, January 20, 2017
SpriteKit Tutorial: Create an Interactive Children’s Book with Sprite Kit and Swift 3
Using Apple's SpriteKit, the iPad allows developers to create beautiful interactive children's books that simply cannot be rep...
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Introduction to Unity: Getting Started – Part 1/2
When I first started looking into iOS game development, Xcode (before SpriteKit) made game development look very challenging. Unity on...
Monday, January 16, 2017
Design Patterns — Creational Patterns — Factory Pattern in Swift
As a budding computer scientist, you no doubt have heard of design patterns in your classes and learning paths. Design patterns are bl...
Alamofire Tutorial: Getting Started
Alamofire is a Swift-based HTTP networking library for iOS and Mac OS X. It provides an elegant interface on top of Apple's Founda...
Friday, January 13, 2017
Using AsyncDisplayKit to Develop Responsive UIs in iOS
Let's get back to 2011, when I have seen this brilliant guy called Mike Matas on Ted introducing this new way of reading books int...
In-App Purchases in iOS With Swift 3
In-app purchase is a great feature for all those developers who want to get more revenue and offer extra content and features through ...
A Smart Way to Manage Colour Schemes for iOS Application Development
Application with an intuitive colour scheme attracts us. Selecting a contextual as well as soothing colour scheme for your next applic...
Creating a “smart” Xcode file template
Did you know that you can create your own file templates for Xcode? Sure you did. But did you also know that you can create a template...
Network reachability status monitoring on iOS (Part 1)
ow-a-days you will hardly find an application which does not require any server side support to perform its tasks. As the days progres...
Firebase Tutorial: iOS A/B Testing
We've all heard stories about how some developer changed the label of a button or the flow of their welcome screens, and suddenly ...
RxAndroid Tutorial
They say you should develop a proactive mindset in life, not a reactive one. That does not apply to Android programming, however! :] ...
Swift Algorithm Club: Graphs with Adjacency List
The Swift Algorithm Club is an open source project. The goal for the club is to develop cool data structures and algorithms in Swift. ...
Handling Fonts in iOS Development, a Simpler Way
Since then, it has been viewed for more than 1790 times, readers completed reading this article for more that 811 times and finally it...
Networks on Maps (with Python)
The available data on country attributes is permanently growing and their access is getting more and more comfortable, e.g. in the cas...
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Getting Started with Node, Express and Postgres Using Sequelize
I remember when I, a few months ago, needed to learn how to write JavaScript web applications using Express, NodeJS and PostgreSQL as ...
Node.JS Top 10 Articles of the Year (v.2017)
For the past year, we've ranked nearly 8,500 Node.JS articles to pick the Top 10 stories (0.12% chance) that can help you prepare ...
React.JS Top 10 Articles of The Year (v.2017)
For the past year, we've ranked nearly 12,000 React.JS articles to pick the Top 10 stories (0.065% chance) that can help you prepa...
JavaScript Top 10 Articles of the Year. (v.2017)
For the past year, we've ranked nearly 15,500 JavaScript articles to pick the Top 10 stories (0.065% chance) that can help you pre...
Top 5 Android libraries — January 2017
Goodbye 2016, hello 2017! As you are probably still recovering from the NYE celebration, we've prepared some dev medicine for you ...
An Introduction to Apache's Newest Project: Metron
Let's start with a brief on the latest from the Apache umbrella – Apache Metron. Per Apache Software Foundation, Apache Metron is a cybe...
Mastering Swift: Enumerations, Closures, Generics, Protocols and High Order Functions
Mastering Swift: Enumerations, Closures, Generics, Protocols and High Order Functions Welcome to the "Mastering Swift" tutorial se...
Monday, January 2, 2017
A Beginner's Tutorial on Various Ways of Passing Data in ASP.NET MVC Application
In this article we will discuss about few important data transfer techniques in ASP.NET MVC i.e. ViewData,ViewBag, TempData and the good ol...
Sunday, January 1, 2017
PhoneGap Tutorial: A Cross-Platform Zombie App
PhoneGap is a mobile development framework that allows developers to build applications for a variety of mobile platforms, using familiar we...
The example shows how to setup a Web API 2 service using Protobuf-Net as it Media Formatter and a HttpClient which gets and deserializes the...
Mouse Control via Webcam
This application uses emguCV, a .NET wrapper for openCV, to perform image processing, through which we try to recognize hand gestures and co...