In recent years I have been working as a Software Architect in multiple organizations, including technology companies and high-growth sta...
Sunday, September 30, 2018
iOS Dev Weekly - Issue 365 - Aug 17th 2018
Comment It's been a quiet week apart from the beta 7/beta 8 dance, so let's get straight to the links! 🚂 Dave Verwer News Mak...
What is ARCore?
ARCore, Google's core technology, is primed to improve augmented reality. Developers can enable their apps to overlay features int...
A Faster Way to Add Image Assets to Your Xamarin.iOS Project in Visual Studio 2017
While Visual Studio has an editor that can help to add new image assets to a project, it is pretty slow when adding a bunch of new ima...
Myth 14: Refinement Is a Required Meeting for The Entire Scrum Team
Scrum is intended as a simple, yet sufficient framework for complex product delivery. Scrum is not a one-size-fits-all solution, a sil...
APIs To Be Removed from Java 11
After seeing several APIs removed as part of Java 10, Java 11 (JSR 384) looks to remove some more APIs. In the recent OpenJDK java-se-...
Naive Bayes Tutorial: Naive Bayes Classifier in Python
Classification and prediction are two the most important aspects of Machine Learning and Naive Bayes is a simple but surprisingly powe...
Overriding Equals and GetHashCode Laconically in C#
In this article, we'll consider overriding the Equals and GetHashCode methods, why IEquatable interface is useful and how Tuples i...
Overriding Equals and GetHashCode Laconically in C#
In this article, we'll consider overriding the Equals and GetHashCode methods, why IEquatable interface is useful and how Tuples i...
Dynamically Update Your Microservice Configuration in the Liberty August Beta
Easily and dynamically update your Java microservice configuration by adding or modifying variables in the Liberty server configuratio...
You might not need Angular: Introduction
Introduction Client-side JavaScript frameworks are all the rage these days. Frameworks like Angular, React and Vue is what all the coo...
Post-Logout Redirect with ASP.NET Core and ADFS 2016
Redirect after logout When a user logs out from your app you have the option to log them out of the provider as well by redirecting th...
Making Ruby Yours
Pulling at a Loose Thread One day I noticed an inconsistency as I was joining together lists of words. Consider this no-delimiter join...
Voxxed Days Microservices: David Gageot on Google Container Tools
Hi David, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices? I used to code in Java and I've always fought against heavywei...
Understanding `static` in JavaScript (with React)
TL;DR: Static properties are properties of a class, not of an instance of a class.In university, I was taught object-oriented programm...
Scrum Retrospective 1: Setting The Stage
This is the first post of my blog post series about the five phases of a Scrum Retrospective. I will cover the most crucial ideas for ...
JavaScript Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.Aug 2018)
For the past month, we ranked nearly 1,200 JavaScript articles to pick the Top 10 stories that can help advance your career (0.8% chan...
Execute PL/SQL Calls With Python and cx_Oracle
After you've got the hang of performing Basic CRUD operations with cx_Oracle, you're ready to start tapping into some of the r...
Fastest-growing programming language? Python's popularity is still climbing
The rising popularity of Python as a programming language shows little sign of abating. ✔ Read More... I guess you cam...
Hands on Java 11’s constantdynamic
With the intention of making the JVM more appealing to dynamic languages, the seventh version of the platform had introduced invokedyn...
How to Serialize/Deserialize a Dictionary Object in C#
The serialization and deserialization of .NET objects is made easy by using the various serializer classes that it provides. But seria...
Java Lambda Expressions Tutorial
1. Introduction to Lambda Expressions in Java In this post, we feature a comprehensive Tutorial on Java Lambda Expressions. Lambda Exp...
Java Smart Card Mini Calculator
Communication demonstration between java card and host application ✔ Read More... I guess you came to this post by sea...
Returning Empty Content From ASP.NET Core ViewComponent [Snippet]
ASP.NET Core ViewComponents usually come in pairs. There's the class which inherits ViewComponent and there's the Razor view w...
The Excitement Surrounding the Angular 6 Updates
With all of the recent exciting changes in Angular v6's release and the large shift in both the enterprise and SMB market towards ...
Big Data Python: 3 Big Data Analytics Tools
In this post, we will discuss three awesome big data Python tools to increase your big data programming skills using production data. ...
3 Steps to upgrade project from Angular 5 to Angular 6
This article will give you step by step explanation how to upgrade your Angular 5 project into Angular 6. ✔ Read More... ...
Simple Python Flask Program with MongoDB
This is a sample python flask program uses mongodb as database. ✔ Read More... I guess you came to this post by search...
Let's learn to make Shopping Cart using ASP.NET Core Blazor using EF and Web API
In this article, let's see how to create our own ASP.NET Core Blazor Shopping Cart using Entity Framework, and Web API ✔ R...
31 Days – 31 .NET Tips and Tricks ( Azure, .NET & VSTS) from Daily .NET Tips- July 2018 Links
Daily .NET Tips is aiming to share valuable coding tips and tricks for .NET Developers. This site exclusively intends for sharing Tips...
Writing Multitenant ASP.NET Core Applications
A multitenant web application is one that responds differently depending on how it is addressed - the tenant. This kind of architectur...
Hoisting in JavaScript
Two weeks ago I gave a lightning talk at Caphyon on hoisting in JavaScript. Putting aside all the common jokes about the JS language, ...
Voxxed Days Microservices: Gunnar Morling on Data Streaming With Debezium
Hi Gunnar, tell us who you are and what lead you into microservices? I'm an open-source enthusiast and software engineer working a...
How Blockchain and IIoT are Bringing Innovation to Shipping
In an effort that predicts the future of global trade, 17 tons of almonds have successfully been shipped and tracked from Sunraysia in...
Making Sense of Thread Synchronization in C#
A "thread race condition" is when two threads are trying to write to a shared resource simultaneously, and access to your sh...
How to set up Environment for Angular 6 with .Net Core 2.1 and Visual Studio 2017
Setting Up Environment for Angular 6 in visual studio 2017 with Asp.Net Core 2.1 ✔ Read More... I guess you came to th...
Integrating Humio With Ballerina for Microservices Logging
The opportunity to build applications and augment them comes with a large set of choices. Choices in log management, choices in API in...
Strongly typed dependency property registration in WPF and UWP
Strongly typed dependency property registration implemented for WPF and UWP ✔ Read More... I guess you came to this po...
How to Add Ignite UI to an Existing Angular Project
Let's say that you're already working on an existing Angular project, and you wish to add the Ignite UI for Angular library in...