EventKit Framework for iPhone Calendar - Online Free Computer Tutorials.

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

EventKit Framework for iPhone Calendar


Accessing iPhone native calendar from the appliation and add a custom event to the calendar along with reminder alert.

How to use?

First add Event Kit Framework to you application. The Event Kit framework provides classes for accessing and modifying calendar event information.

NSString *str=@"This is Your Event title";

EKEventStore *eventStore = [[EKEventStore alloc] init];

EKEvent *event = [EKEvent eventWithEventStore:eventStore];

event.title = str;

event.startDate = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeInterval:timeint sinceDate:date];
This is startdate and time of the event we can set by using date time fucntions to calulate and set this.

event.endDate = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeInterval:1800 sinceDate:event.startDate];
Similarly this is event's end date and time

NSTimeInterval interval = 60* -min;
This is the time at which you can see the native calendar alert. Note that here i write (-min) this indicates that alert will show before event time otherwise it will appear after event start time

EKAlarm *alarm = [EKAlarm alarmWithRelativeOffset:interval]; //Create object of alarm

[event addAlarm:alarm]; //Add alarm to your event

event setCalendar:[eventStore defaultCalendarForNewEvents]];
NSError *err;
[eventStore saveEvent:event span:EKSpanThisEvent error:&err];
// Add event to iPhone Calendar


You can use this code to add reminder or alert to iPhone native calendar using custom application same as anyone can do adding an event directly to the iPhone Calendar.

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