Optimizing C# for XAML Platforms - Online Free Computer Tutorials.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Optimizing C# for XAML Platforms

When working with the C# development language, individual developers often find a process that works for them and stick to it. After all, if the code passes all our tests, we can ship it, right? Well, no. Releasing products in today's complex programming landscape isn't that simple. We think developers need to revisit some of the standard decisions we make about Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) concepts such as dependency properties, LINQ and the layout system. When we examine these aspects from a performance perspective, various approaches can prove questionable.

By exploring dependency properties, LINQ performance and the layout system through some code examples, we can see exactly how they work and how we can get the best performance out of our applications by rethinking some common assumptions.

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