IEnumerable is an interface, implemented by System.Collecetion type in .Net that provides iterator pattern. The definition according to MSDN...
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Define your own Collection class that support Iterator Pattern
Today we will demonstrate how these interfaces works. For that we 'll develop our own classes that implement these interfaces. Objective...
Friday, March 30, 2012
Understanding Protected, Internal and Protected Internal Access modifiers in OOPs
We all know access modifiers are said to be 'Back-bone of OOPs '.Which seems to be very easy to remember (for interview purposes) bu...
What is the use of "VAR" keyword in c#?
"Var" Keyword = Var keyword is an implicit way of defining DataTypes. Implicit means indirect way of defining variable types. In s...
Check If App Is Running On An iPad
To check if your app is running on an iPad, there is a much easier way. Check the userInterfaceIdiom property of the device to get the infor...
Thursday, March 29, 2012
How to use IEnumerable/IEnumerator
IEnumerable is an interface, implemented by System.Collecetion type in .Net that provides iterator pattern. The definition according to MSDN...
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Porting a Silverlight App to a Metro-Style App
Windows 8, which was introduced at the Microsoft BUILD conference last year, is an exciting new OS that introduced a new UI as well as a new...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Learn WP7Dev in 31 Days – Day 31 – Deploying the application to the WP7 Market place
This is the final article in this 31 day series on Learning Windows Phone 7 Development from the scratch, here in this article we are going ...
xCode 4 Tips : Option Key directs open action to Assistant editor + Direct Open
xCode 4 Tips : Option Key directs open action to Assistant editor + Direct Open Holding down the option key whilst performing an action t...
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Treat Warnings as Errors
It's good to keep things clean from the start, whether you are running a simple test, writing a large scale enterprise app or building a...
What is Data Type in c#.
In this Article we are going to learn about Data Types in C# What is Data Type? The type of data that a variable contains is called Data Typ...
what are the benefit of Stored procedure ?
What are the benefit of Stored procedure ? 1) Improved Performance : Database can optimize the data access plan used by procedure and cache...
Saturday, March 24, 2012
How to use the ui action script in iPhone
This tutorial is use to show the use of the Action Script . 1. Open the xcode & choose "File->New Project". 2. Select ...
Friday, March 23, 2012
My App Crashed, Now What? – Part 2
The first part of the tutorial introduced SIGABRT and EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors, and illustrated some strategies for resolving them using the ...
My App Crashed, Now What? – Part 1
Fixing crashes doesn't need to be hard. You're likely to worsen the situation if you freak out and start changing things at random, ...
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Beta is available now...
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Beta is available now... Check it here...
Complete Generic MVVM in Silverlight Part III
This is part 3 of the series in MVVM, in this part of the series; I will look at the ViewModel and provide you will examples that might help...
Complete Generic MVVM in Silverlight Part II
In the first part of this series I outlined the basic information that you will need to know to get started with MVVM. In this part of the s...
Complete Generic MVVM in Silverlight Part 1
Almost everyone doing development in Silverlight is talking about MVVM. This is the part 1 on the subject. I decided to split the articles i...
Introducing Expression Blend for Visual Studio Part 1
Just what is Expression Blend for Visual Studio ? Why is Expression Blend now a Visual Studio product ? Well as most folks familiar with Win...
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
A Resource Hacker in C# .NET
In this article I'm going to get into a .NET DLL file and extract its types, show their information, extract the members of each type, a...
Best iOS development learning resources
Best iOS Development Learning Resources Here is a good compilation of links useful in learning iOS development 1) Blogs on iPhone developmen...
Monday, March 19, 2012
Hangman - a simple word game for WP7
This is a very simple game where, usually, a user is given with a word to guess. A user has typically 7-8 chances to guess the word. For eac...
Send Mail using WebService
Sending mail is an easy task, using web-service has added some additional flavor to it.What i mean to say is if you know how to use a web-se...
Sunday, March 18, 2012
EventKit Framework for iPhone Calendar
Introduction Accessing iPhone native calendar from the appliation and add a custom event to the calendar along with reminder alert. How to...
Thursday, March 15, 2012
How convert List to Datatable in c#?
How convert List to Datatable in c#? public DataTable LINQToDataTable<T>(IEnumerable<T> varlist) { DataTable...
Understanding ASP.NET Roles and Membership - A Beginner's Tutorial
How many sites have you seen that requires you to login? I guess the answer to this question is "almost all of them". Well, the id...
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Getting Started with Telerik RadRibbonView
In this video we'll walk you through getting started with the RadRibbonView control. This includes adding it to your project, working wi...
Silverlight Pivot View Control – Part 1
Just before one month from now, I worked with a new company; I really loved my new Job. New experience taken from Michael Ruddick; He is a C...
A Radial Gauge custom control for Windows8 Metro
A long time ago in a galaxy actually not so far away, Colin Eberhardt wrote a Radial Gauge custom control for Silverlight in less than six h...
Silverlight navigation: get rid of the view-model-locator
I'm building a sample application for a friend in order to see if it is possible to have a completely OOB and offline Silverlight applic...
Portable Class Library and ICommand
A while ago I wrote an article describing how the Portable Class Library can enable us to write Unit Tests for our Windows Phone apps using ...
WCF Introduction
WCF stands for Windows Communication Foundation. Basically WCF is a platform for building, configuring and deploying distributed services. I...
Incremental Validation in WPF
How do you ensure that developers using your business objects also incorporate the necessary validation code to guarantee that only good dat...
Sunday, March 11, 2012
About Prompt in WP7 via WCF Service
Firstly before we get to start working with Toast prompt, We need to download Coding4Fun Toolkit from Here. Later add Coding4Fun.Phone.Contr...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
A financial dashboard designer based on Telerik RadDiagram
The new RadDiagram framework brings, together with a host of new exciting things in Telerik's 2012 Q1 release, a new world of possibilit...
Microsoft .NET Frameworks features details
This article describes the features and enhancements that has happened with respect to Microsoft .NET Frameworks Microsoft .NET Frameworks.....
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Porting a #Silverlight App to a Metro-Style App
Windows 8, which was introduced at the Microsoft BUILD conference last year, is an exciting new OS that introduced a new UI as well as a new...
Xcode 4.x tip – how to get a separate working debugger window
Just figured this out today after trying once before. If you have a multi-monitor setup like I do you may like to have the console & de...
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Download Visual Studio 11 Beta (Standalone/Offline Installer)
Visual Studio 11 comes in four flavors called Ultimate (Visual Studio 11 Ultimate Beta is the comprehensive ALM offering for organizations d...