Learn WP7Dev in 31 Days – Day 31 – Deploying the application to the WP7 Market place - Online Free Computer Tutorials.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Learn WP7Dev in 31 Days – Day 31 – Deploying the application to the WP7 Market place

This is the final article in this 31 day series on Learning Windows Phone 7 Development from the scratch, here in this article we are going to see how to deploy the application to the market place. Windows Phone Market Place is a portal where we need to publish the applications developed using the Windows Phone SDK and making it available to the public for download. Windows Phone Market is a one stop portal where users can purchase apps or games using the credit cards or free applications with ease and provide the reviews to the applications that are very helpful.

Microsoft Windows Phone Marketplace can be access using the link https://windowsphone.create.msdn.com. As a developer we need to register with the market place to publish our application for download. For registration Microsoft provides options for Students, Developers and Business to register as per their requirement with some nominal fees per year of registration.

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