Enhanced ObservableCollection with ability to delay or disable notifications - Online Free Computer Tutorials.

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Enhanced ObservableCollection with ability to delay or disable notifications

MSDN describes ObservableCollection as a dynamic data collection which provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed.

ObservableCollection is fully bindable. It implements both INotifyPropertyChanged andINotifyCollectionChanged, so whenever the collection is changed, appropriate notification events are fired off immediately and bound objects are notified and updated.

This scenario works in most cases but sometimes it would be beneficial to postpone notifications until later or temporarily disable them all together. For example, until a batch update is finished. This notification delay could increase performance as well as eliminate screen flicker of updated visuals. Unfortunately, the default implementation of ObservableCollection does not provide this functionality.

ObservableCollectionEx is designed to provide this missing functionality. ObservableCollectionEx is designed as a direct replacement for ObservableCollection, is completely code compatible with it, and also provides a way to delay or disable notifications.


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