The Truth About Background Tasks - Online Free Computer Tutorials.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Truth About Background Tasks

When Windows Phone first launched it brought us Live Tiles, which were updated in one of two ways; a developer setup a "push" server which would feed information to your phone on a schedule or on demand, or a task was scheduled on your phone (in the background) and "pulled" from the Web, as often as once per hour or as seldom as once per day. While push Live Tiles are still a working option, Background Tasks have replaced pull Live Tiles, giving users a simple Settings screen to manage tasks. Background Tasks can run an Internal (only interacts with your device) or External (calling out to the Internet) task as often as once every 30 minutes or as seldom as once per day, just like the option it replaced. If you don't touch a Live Tile for 14 days, the Background Task will automatically be disabled. Background Tasks work fine for news or weather apps, but have limited use for updating sports scores or stock prices on a Live Tile, things that require more frequent updates.

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