How to Use Static Type Checking in Python 3.6 - Online Free Computer Tutorials.

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Saturday, November 10, 2018

How to Use Static Type Checking in Python 3.6

Automatically catch many common errors while codingOne of the most common complaints about the Python language is that variables are Dynamically Typed. That means you declare variables without giving them a specific data type. Types are automatically assigned at based on what data was passed in: this case, the variable president_name is created as str type because we passed in a string. But Python didn't know it would be a string until it actually ran that line of code.By comparison, a language like Java is Statically Typed. To create the same variable in Java, you have to declare the string explicitly with a String type: Java knows ahead of time that president_name can only hold a String, it will give you a compile error if you try to do something silly like store an integer in it or pass it into a function that expects something other than a String.Why should I care about types?It's usually faster to write new code in a dynamically-typed language like Python because you don't have to write out all the type declarations by hand.

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