Understanding Ordering With JavaScript Async Methods - Online Free Computer Tutorials.

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Saturday, November 10, 2018

Understanding Ordering With JavaScript Async Methods

So I challenged someone in a code review to prove that their code that made use of async functions wouldn't be susceptible to a race condition. To that end, I came up with some very trivial code examples to demonstrate the issue, worth trying to write down the output and line orderings before you read on. let list; async function clearList () { list = []; // A } async function processList (processList) { await clearList(); // B list = list.concat(processList); // C } processList([1,2,3]); // D processList([4,5,6]) // E .then(() = { console.dir(list); // F }) So the two questions here are what is the output of this code and what order do the lines of code get executed in? Now the point of the code was that it would show that the output is[1,2,3,4,5,6] because of the race condition, but the actual ordering of the execution of the lines of code I had wrong.

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