Concerns With Microservices - Online Free Computer Tutorials.

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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Concerns With Microservices

To understand the current and future state of microservices, we spoke to 25 IT executives from 21 organizations. Consistent with the early adoption of the technology, the answers to our questions were diverse. We asked them, "Do you have any concerns regarding the current state of microservices?" Here's what they told us: Observability An area going through interesting and dramatic innovation, solving for how to know if something is going wrong when it's going wrong – observability. Manage, debug, reason about distributed systems is harder than a single codebase on a single laptop for a single process. Ability to do distributed tracing through the whole system is necessary. Think about up front, not after the fact. I was concerned a year ago that the networking view would take longer, but Google pushed ISTIO and its very good now. This has taken care of communication in a highly distributed network. How to make microservices as self-contained as possible. Have to do quite a bit of figuring.

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This article is related to

microservices,enterprise,software architecture,observability

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