Create Production-Grade Java Microservice Architecture With JHipster and Couchbase - Online Free Computer Tutorials.

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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Create Production-Grade Java Microservice Architecture With JHipster and Couchbase

Every successful developer needs to keep up to date with cutting-edge new technologies and last emerging trends, trying them, playing with them, seeing if they can fit in your project, and how you can improve it. But how can one achieve that in a fast-changing world where new technologies and frameworks are born daily? If you are a Java full-stack developer, you are very lucky: JHipster is the solution to quickly learn new technologies. It is a Yeoman generator, a scaffolding system, that helps you generate complete applications combining one of the best frameworks in web development: Spring Boot backend and Angular or React frontend.

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java,open source,tutorial,microservices,couchbase,jhipster

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