In the ancient times, there was this messiah called for loop. Just like every other programming languages, JavaScript too had it's own for loop function.The Ancient OneThe loop's job was to iterate over data. As you know the internet is all about a series of data. You have a list of posts or comments that needed to be displayed in an order.The chosen one looked like this:for (var i = 0; i // Do something..}During the primitive times it was enough to do all sort of data operations.But as things got complicated, foolish people wanted to do more.. if you want to take a list of items and output only a select number of values that meet your condition?What if you wanted to produce an entire new list without touching the original list?What if you want to store the results of the given data into a unified collection?For all these things, the for loop had to make use of lots of if/else statements and special inner functions.But as mankind got busier with their pleasure they started to stop believing the true potential of the chosen one.
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